You can reset your password by clicking on the Login button, in the upper left-hand corner. Once there, ensure that the Paperless Proficiency Testing option is selected, then click on Lost Your Password? You will need to enter your PPT User ID and the email address that is currently on file. Once the fields are complete, click Send Reset Instructions. You will receive an email with a link to reset the password. The link is only good for one hour. After that, you will need to request a new link (by repeating the process above or by following the link at the bottom of the expired email).
- If the email address you enter does not match the one on the account, you will receive an error message.
- If you accidentally select the Continuing Education option and you try to reset your password for a PPT (Paperless Proficiency Testing) account, you will receive an error message.
If you are still unable to log in or need further assistance, please contact Customer Service at